Easing anxiety through baking

Whipping up some tasty treats in the kitchen can provide more benefits than you might think. Yes, it fills the kitchen with some gorgeous smells and everyone will be grateful for the freshly baked, warm, gooey cookies on the side, but baking is just as much about the process and experience as it is the end result.

Lately I have been struggling with anxiety more than usual and as someone who has always loved baking, but just not had the time to do it (or not prioritised it) I rediscovered the calm that it brings.

Anxiety can manifest in different ways but you might recognise it as the constant thoughts, negative thoughts. Your mind may jump from one thought to another and another and another is quick succession, often these thoughts aren’t linked but they are all things that cause you worry or concern along with that sinking feeling that you need to solve them. However, as there are so many you feel overwhelmed and stuck. I know first hand that when I get stuck in this thought cycle I need some intervention to interrupt the thought pattern and calm my mind. Easier said than done though, right?

Baking is one of the only things that allows me to break the cycle and create some respite from anxious thoughts. When I found myself stuck in the endless thought cycle I asked Alexa to play me some Christmas tunes, dug out a gorgeous cookie recipe and started to bake, not because I wanted to eat the cookies, just because I needed something to interrupt the thought process. Half an hour later I realised that for that short time I wasn’t jumping from thought to thought to thought, I was thinking about weighing, measuring and creating.

Although when we are in the anxiety loop we feel like we are thinking 1000 thoughts at the same time, that is actually not possible. In that second that you are thinking about something, you can only physically think about that one thing. So while I was thinking about weighing the flour or how small to chop the chocolate chunks, I was focused on that one action and there was no space for the anxious thoughts.

Here are just 5 reasons why baking can help ease anxiety:

1. Baking is mediative

Something that allows you to focus on the here and now is meditative. Baking stimulates the senses and you are focused on how things smell, how ingredients feel and what you are doing in the moment. If your mind is elsewhere while you are measuring ingredients you may be in for a surprise when you taste your cake!

2. Making others happy

There is something satisfying about nourishing other people and creating something for others to enjoy. Obviously you may enjoy it yourself but with baking I find that I love doing it for other people, creating something they can enjoy.

3. It’s a stress release

It’s a stress release. Baking can force us to slow down and enjoy the moment. If you intentionally decide to set some time aside to bake you can fully immerse yourself in that experience, much needed and deserved you time.

4. Baking allows creativity

Baking allows us to be creative and express ourselves. There is no limit to what you can create in the kitchen and if it doesn’t look like the picture, who cares?! You can create something as unique, wonky, colourful as you like. It is your creation.

5. It is satisfying

We all like to feel productive, and sometimes that need to be constantly ‘doing’ can have negative consequences. However baking is productive, because you are doing something, but it is productive in a positive way. Taking raw ingredients and making something with it is hugely satisfying.

So whether you are a total amateur who has never baked before, or whether you are a star baker, put some Christmas tunes on, find your apron and spend some time in the kitchen. Who cares if it has a soggy bottom, you will have achieved a few moments of calm and that is invaluable!

P.s shout if you want me to share the cookie recipe that helped me come to the above realisation and find my moments of calm. They couldn’t be easier to knock up!

M x

P.p.s if you have read this blog pretty please pop me a like and a comment and share. The purpose of my blog is to help others, by sharing you are helping me do just that. Sharing is caring 🙂

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